
Over 600 Kosovar businesses are providing their customers with the most modern form of payment

Hundreds of businesses have become part of the financial revolution, choosing IBAS to provide their customers with easier ways to make payments.

These businesses belong to various activities such as: hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, markets, taxis, car showrooms, furniture, pharmacies, laboratories and many others.

The Chief Executive Officer of IBAS, Korab Smakolli, said that IBAS is transforming the financial market in Kosovo by bringing the best technology and the lowest prices by offering eAccounts, eWallets, eTransfers, ePOS, ePaygesa. “Also, businesses that do not have access to banks in the digital payment system can have access to IBAS technology,” he said.

Ekrem Tahiri, CEO at Crust Pizza & Lounge, says that the inclusion of IBAS in the payment system saves time for both them and customers. “Especially in this pandemic time, when people are avoiding cash payments, without a doubt, IBAS is a platform that every customer needs, regardless of the field of activity”.

Reshat Sogojeva from Proka Restaurant, which offers customers the option of paying with IBAS, says that although this form is a new way of payment, there has been no problem with their implementation.

According to Smakoll, very soon IBAS will launch payment loans, through which businesses can increase their sales and customers.

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